Rev. Robert Collier Sr., President
The first 50 individuals, at each church, that schedule appointments
in advance will claim a gift card when they arrive for the 1st Dose.
All will be entered into a Grand Prize Drawing that will be held following
the 2nd Dose.
*Walk-ins accepted, subject to availability.
Download, complete and print the Consent Form. Bring with you to your scheduled vaccination location.

Sign up for the
Pfizer Vaccine
12 years & older
Why Get Vaccinated?

Why should you get vaccinated?
You’ve heard all the reasons:
to protect yourself,
to protect those you love,
to protect those you don’t even know.
What are other reasons to get vaccinated?
So that businesses can reopen safely and employment can increase;
So that hugs, which have been in short supply, can flourish again, and
Because the more people who are vaccinated, the greater the chance we have at eliminating or reducing COVID19!
So protect yourself, and protect others. SIGN UP TODAY to get your vaccine!
Contact Us

Call us at: (877) 227-8829 or
Schedule your Vaccination below: